IELTS Challenge


IELTS Challenge: Preparing to study abroad or gain an international English qualification?




※IELTS(International English Language Testing System:アイエルツ)は、ブリティッシュ・カウンシル、IDP: IELTS オーストラリア、ケンブリッジ ESOL の3つの団体が共同運営する、留学・海外移住を志す人のための英語能力評価試験です。その信頼性と公平性は世界中で認められており、英国、米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドなど135カ国、10,000以上の教育機関、国際機関、政府機関が現実に即したコミュニケーション能力を評価できる信頼性のある指標として、アイエルツ(IELTS)を採用しています。

Focused help with IELTS speaking exam

This package of lessons is designed to help you build confidence and prepare yourself for the best possible challenge of the IELTS test and living abroad. If you’ve dream about studying abroad at a school, college or university. You will need to have an IELTS qualification for the course entrance requirements.

STEP1 Writingレッスン

STEP2 添削

STEP3 トレーニング

STEP4 Speakingレッスン

This course is designed specifically to help you achieve minimum of level 7 in the IELTS speaking exam.

This course will also give you the information you need about different cultures lifestyles and customs that you will encounter during your travels. Bespoke lesson plans packed with IELTS test information and fun tips for living abroad. We will break down the test in to sections to be mastered individually and use past test papers, dedicated books and video tutorials to improve your weaknesses and enhance your strengths.

Help with all sections of the IELTS exam


  • Help to understand UK University system
  • How to make successful applications for universities
  • Advise on the best university to suit you.
  • How to write a successful statement of purpose
  • Help to practice for University interviews.
  • Additional UK knowledge, guidance and support to help decide on which university and local information about the areas you are interested in applying for.
  • Provide information and support on all you need to study in the UK 

Members-Only Practice Lounge 

     This is the A5Tutour private group on Facebook where you get to try out your new skills. Chat online to other friendly members just like you… ask for a recommendation for a holiday location… talk about what you’re reading… ask a native speaker questions…But remember, there’s one very important rule inside The Lounge: English Only!

Native English Conversation

     Eventually, you’ll also need to practice your new skills in real conversation. When you’re ready, I’ll find out your specific needs and introduce you to a native speaker who’s perfect for you and whom I’ve personally met and interviewed. This member will be from a British university and studying the Japanese language and culture or Business studies for their bachelor degree. Please note, this is an extra service and is not included in the price of membership. But only ‘English Circle’ and ‘IELTS challenge‘ members will be able to use this service and meet these British students. 

Make new friends, improve your language skills & confidence. Join our 英日 language exchange circle.
英日Language Exchange



Join my group lessons when available

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