英日 Language exchange

Those who are studying English or who like traveling abroad!
Why don’t you meet people British people and have a good time learning and making friends ?

We also have 3 different exchange systems that you can enjoy participating in, whether you joining with your friends, are shy or alone!
Make lots of friends all over the UK 🇬🇧.

Language exchange systems

Choose any 1 or all exchange systems for the exchange session evening.

  • GROUP EXCHANGE – Free talk party style. 4 hour session.
  • TIMED EXCHANGE – Change your exchange partner every 15 minutes. Topic based & free talk, one to one, for 15 minutes. 4 partners in 1 hour exchange session.
  • ONE TO ONE, HOUR CHALLENGE – Same partner, 30 minutes only English then 30 minutes only Japanese. Topic, task challenge or free talk.

We are waiting for your reservation from the message on Facebook and Instagram!
Please make a reservation by the event start time on the day.
Those who wish to participate on the way will also be notified by a reservation message.

