The Learning English Circle Programme


期間は3か月で、さまざまな学習方法・スタイル・ツールを用います。現在の英語レベルに別途誰にとっても楽しい学習プロセスとなるように設計されています。私たちは、あなたの目標と英語 レベルに基づきぴったりのスタイルを見つけることを目指しています。








1〜7日目: モチベーション























It happens to all English students. I’ve seen it again and again. Eventually, those who begin to learn the English language must answer one question:

 “Am I satisfied with my progress?”  For the satisfied student, there’s not much they need or that I can help them with. They continue down the same roads, using the same methods, getting the same results. But for the student who wants more, there are changes they must make. He or she must find new styles, new methods, and new teachers. My goal is to find, and then help, the student who has big goals… the student who wants to achieve big things…….and the students who wants to see their dream become reality NOW! These special people I call… 

“Serious Students”

     Somehow you’ve found me… Because you’re here.. And because you’re reading this now… Maybe you’re one of these students. Then if you are, I can help you. You see, to help these serious students reach their English goals faster, I created a special English learning programme just for them.

It’s called… 

“The English circle programme”

    Your first month inside The English Circle you will train to become a master of The A5tutour learning Method. I will support you to master these methods. Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:

   Days 1 – 7: Motivation. Too tired? No time? No energy? These are some of the biggest enemies of better English. When you use the techniques I teach you to conquer these motivation stoppers forever.

Day 8: Busy? Good! My busy students learn faster. Here’s their secret.

Days 11 & 13: Too old? Nonsense! Here are two methods every child uses, which schools never teach, and which you can start using today.

 Day 13: Understanding. A simple exercise that takes 3 to 5 minutes which will train your ears to finally understand fast-talking native speakers.

Day 15: Grammar. Good news! According to research from British Council the fastest way to learn grammar is NOT by studying grammar. I’ll teach you what you need to do instead.

Day 20: Accent. Teaching you methods to get rid of your accent and introducing a great pronunciation practice.

 Day 28: Think in English. Do you still translate every word in your head before you speak? Is the result slow, unnatural speech? If you still have the translation habit, I can show you exactly how to stop it and start thinking in English like a native speaker.

Daily lesson support

 Each lesson is bite-sized. Watch it before bed. 5 minutes is all you need most nights.  Each lesson is simple, clear, easy to understand. Plus there’s text so you can read or reread if you don’t understand the first time.  Each lesson is proven, based on extensive experience and research, and already tested on my students since 2006. This English programme is unique and uses authentic techniques l have developed over many years. It’s time for us to step away from language school methods from the 17th century, while maintaining the quality & elegance of the English language.

Seriously commit to improving your English language level and confidence. After 28 days your motivation and English will be the best it’s ever been. That’s my promise to you.

Every Day and Every Month — Better and Better 

     But we won’t stop there. English is like fitness. When you stop, that’s when you start again, having lost most of what you achieved previously. And we don’t want that. So month after month, day after day, we’ll continue to make your English stronger and stronger. Here’s how:

Compact Daily Lessons

Receive your lessons daily

     Every day I’ll send you a new lesson hand-made by me. These lessons are specially designed to give you the maximum English in the shortest amount of time. Think of them like a multi-vitamin for your English. In each lesson your grammar, understanding, memory and vocabulary become stronger.

English learning videos
English learning worksheets available on mobiles & computers

Online Lessons

Every month I’ll invite you to attend a live lesson. These are advanced training on practical skills to improve your life, such as how to stay relaxed in a conversation… how to start a conversation with a stranger… how to get a better job with your English… If you can attend live, that’s great because then you can ask questions just like if we were in the same room. But if you can’t attend live, if you’re busy that day, no problem – you can watch the recording later. 

Members-Only Practice Lounge 

     This is the A5Tutour private group on Facebook where you get to try out your new skills. Chat online to other friendly members just like you… ask for a recommendation for a holiday location… talk about what you’re reading… ask a native speaker questions…But remember, there’s one very important rule inside The Lounge: English Only!

Native English Conversation

     Eventually, you’ll also need to practice your new skills in real conversation. When you’re ready, I’ll find out your specific needs and introduce you to a native speaker who’s perfect for you and whom I’ve personally met and interviewed. This member will be from a British university and studying the Japanese language and culture or Business studies for their bachelor degree. Please note, this is an extra service and is not included in the price of membership. But only ‘English Circle’ members will be able to use this service and meet these British students. 

Join Our Circle Today

Make friends as you improve your English