British history & Culture


Britain’s history and culture is what makes Britain great and reaches back thousands of years. From this history we have kept a range of interesting and facinating national hoildays and events. These lessons focus on exlpianing ths culture while giving you the amazing opportunity to learn about the origins of the events we still celebrate today. While improving your vocabulary, listening and speaking skills at the same time. 

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I
  •  Follow the time line of the British Kings and Queens.
  •  Learn about the origin of the English language.
  •  Learn about British festivals, their origins and how we celebrate them.
  •  Learn about British fashion and music. 
  •  Learn about famous characters that have changed British culture.
  •  Learn about the UK’s cities, counties, countries and islands that make up Great Britain.
  • All lessons have English learning base so you will be able to learn new grammar, vocabulary as well as practise your listening and speaking. 
  •  There will be activies and games attachted to the course to help you remember important points, review and enjoy the English lessons.
  • Learn the origin of Valentine’s day, Easter, Halloween, Bonfire night and Christmas etc….

Learn about the history of The UK
Learn English & about the British Royal family
Click on the picture for the British Monarchy Programme
Learn about life in the UK throughout history
British cultural festivals and events.

Learn the story of the 1,400yrs old language
The British Empire & commonwealth
British popular culture