What we do

English language support and tutoring for your education and career.











Online English learning at all levels

We provide a range of enhanced English language courses that are packaged to suit the individual or family needs.

We will undertake an assessment to understand your level of English, learning style and motivation to learn and capture this in a ‘Student Centre Plan’.

Together we will plan what you want to achieve and hope you are going to do this with our support. By goal setting we will work together to meet deadlines, learning outcomes and specified targets. This in return will build your confidence and belief in yourself. 

We are a team of English Language tutors, lecturers and motivational coaches that work with you to maintain your motivation and willingness to learn. We are based in the UK, with links to Japanese Companies and UK educational departments.

Our strengths and unique selling points

We truly understand the experience of moving somewhere new and want to enable Japanese visitors to quickly feel at home and feel confident in their language skills and new environment.

Having lived in Japan as an overseas visitor I know only too well how difficult it can feel to learn a new language and culture, my own experience was very immersive, having arrived in the country with little Japanese I struggled to be understood. I had to find my way and build relationships and find employment, housing and confidence. 

During my time in Japan I worked with adults learning Business English and within the education system with children aged five upwards. Through this I obtained knowledge and experience in working with Japanese residents.  I am grateful for the time I spent in Japan which has given me lasting friendships, and appreciation of Japanese Culture. 

On returning to England I formed an English Language business working with adults offering face to face language lessons around London. I also began working one to one with Japanese children whose parents were in UK on business contracts to support and enhance their English skills. This has enabled us to have a greater understanding of how Japanese people can often feel home sick and isolated when they arrive at UK. We’ve both these influences it has aided our development of packages that support education and wellbeing for Japanese visitors to feel welcomed and supported during their stay in UK whilst learning. 

We use a combination of motivational coaching, mentoring and traditional language lessons to help you achieve your goals and boost your well-being.

Total & focused support to get you to your goal

English language support and tutoring for your education and career