Japanese society clubs tour

There are currently over 10 British universities that have a Japanese degree course, placed close to some amazing sightseeing locations and historical buildings. This tour will visit 9 university campuses during the 9 day tour.


A5 Tutourは英国中にある”Japanese society“クラブと共に活動しています。”Japanese society ”クラブは、日本語の学位コースがある大学を拠点としています。このクラブは、日本語と文化の学士号を学んでいる英国人学生や地元の大学で日本語を学んでいる学生、また、同じ大学やその周辺の大学で英語などを学んでいる日本人学生で構成されています。

Graduation Japanese language and culture studies course



A5 Tutour are working in unison with Japanese society clubs around the UK. Japanese societies are based at universities offering Japanese degree courses. The society is made of British students studying a ‘Japanese language and culture bachelor degree’ plus those learning Japanese at local colleges. Also Japanese students who are studying English and other subjects at the same university or surrounding colleges. 

Britsh & Japanese language workshop students

There are currently over 10 British universities that have a Japanese degree course, placed close to some amazing sightseeing locations and historical buildings. This tour will visit 9 university campuses during the 9 day tour.

Liverpool City

* Location: Kent, Cambridge, York, Edinburgh, Liverpool , Birmingham , Oxford & London. 


* English/Japanese language workshop every morning at 10am to 12pm then lunch at new location. 

English + Japanese language workshop

* Afternoon tours of sights and cities. 

* Evening language/sushi making exchange workshop. 

Language exchange workshop


* Two tours will run at the same time in opposite directions of the tour resulting in large events and language exchange workshop parties in both Edinburgh and London, where the two tour groups will meet.

St Paul’s Cathedral

Example of Tour itinerary

1) English & Japanese workshop at S.O.A.S university. 10am-12pm

English + Japanese language exchange workshop

2) Lunch,12pm -1pm at university.

3) Sightseeing,(Tower of London, multi-stop London tour) 1:30pm-5pm. Return to hotel.

Tour of London
Coach & walking tour

4) Language exchange workshop & dinner. 6pm-8:30pm.

Language exchange workshop

5) London hotel to Cambridge hotel 8:30pm-10pm.

6) Morning work shop at Cambridge university 10am…….tour itinerary repeats in different 6 more locations around the UK.




8大学がサポートするA5 Tutourの英国ツアーは、ロンドン中心部で始まります。 2つのツアーが同時にエジンバラに向かい、その後ロンドンに戻ります。一方は時計回りに、もう一方は反時計回りに移動します。2つのツアーは朝にエディンバラで合流し、大規模なワークショップ、ツアー、イブニングイベントを楽しみながら1日を過ごします。各ツアーは最初の夜にロンドンを出発し、すぐにホテルに到着します。ツアー1はカンタベリーに向かい、ツアー2はオックスフォードに向かいます。


A5 Tutour’s tour of the UK with the support of 8 universities will start in central London. There are two tours running simultaneously to Edinburgh and then back to London. One running clockwise and the other anti-clockwise. Both tours are designed to meet in Edinburgh on the same morning and will spend the day together enjoying large workshops, tours and evening event. Each tour will leave London on the first evening and arrive at their hotels soon after. Tour 1 will head to Canterbury while tour 2 heads to Oxford.

*When both tours return to London they will have the final Workshop party and a different London campus from where the tour started.



Tour 1 (Anti-Clockwise)

London – Canterbury – Cambridge – York – Edinburgh – Liverpool – Birmingham – Oxford and London



Tour 2

London – Oxford – Birmingham – Liverpool – Edinburgh – York – Cambridge – Canterbury and London

Itinerary map


言語ワークショップは毎日ツアーの朝と夕方に開催されます。自由に会話ができる整った環境の中で、英語を話す最高の機会を得ることを目的としています。日本語を学んでいる イギリスの大学生と一緒に過ごしたり、イギリスの大学のキャンパスを訪問したりできるとてもユニークな機会です。教師やイギリス学生のサポートにより、スキルの向上、また英会話の練習にもつながります。

Daily language workshop








One to one time with tutor






Language workshop

The language workshops will be held every morning and evening of the tour, there aim is to achieve the maximum opportunity for you to speak English, in both an organised and free talking enviroment. This is a unique opportunity to spend time with a British university student who is learning Japanese, and to visit them on a British university campus. You will be able to learn and improve your skills with the support of a tutors and practise your skills with the support of the British students.

The morning workshops include:

  • All levels of English language grammar worksheets
  • Games and activities to help you have fun learning and make friends
  • Pronunciation practise
  • Listening practise
  • Conversation and discussion groups
  • Individual time with a tutour
Morning workshop

The evening workshops include:

  • Conversation topics and games
  • Organised language exchange activities
  • Entertainment- Sushi making -Karaoke, etc..
  • Free talking with British student members
Evening workshop activity



Canterbury Cathedral


Big Ben

Sightseeing Tours

Every afternoon of the tour, after lunch a luxury coach will pick up the group from the campus and take you on a tour of the local sightseeing sights along with members of the university you a visiting on that day. We will be able benefit from the local knowledge of the students and enjoy the historical and cultural locations.

Piccadilly Circus

The tours will visit 8 UK cities and travel to the most beautiful and famous locations between and around the city campuses. During the tour you will be given free time to visit local shop and enter castles, palaces and sightseeing locations.



We will aim to attend all Japanese or British cultural events which are schedule to take place during our touring times, to add an amazing bonus to the tour.

British Historical festivals & Japanese cultural events are held yearly around The UK
Japan Matsuri held at Trafalgar Square

Learn English, while touring the UK
